Thursday, July 24, 2008

Puppy Love

Puppy love may indeed feel like its deeper emotional cousin called "true love," but it usually has a fleeting quality which keeps it from developing any further than a serious crush. Puppy love often starts with a one-sided infatuation, perhaps for a seemingly unapproachable classmate or an attractive teacher or other authority figure. For the smitten one, these feelings of attraction may be very intense indeed, and create the sort of distractions and obsessive thought patterns of true love.
Some young people gripped by puppy love will eventually make an effort to pursue a relationship with the object of their affection, with varying degrees of success. Occasionally two people with similar afflictions will embark on a short adolescent romance with little to no expectations of a long-term commitment. Others may lack the social confidence to approach the object of their affections, keeping their feelings at the level of an unrequited crush.

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