Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stem Cells May Benefit Stroke Patients

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in this country. A stroke may be frightening to both the patient and family.To watch a beloved one suffer due to stroke is a pathetic experience.

According to the latest study of 'Stem Cells and Development', stem cells may benefit the stroke patients.Stem cells found in menstrual blood could give a life saving treatment for stroke patient.It can be a potential source for stem cell therapies not only for a stroke but also for the other central nervous system disorders.You can find C'elle in 'Medical News Today' .Cryo-Cell is collaborating with researchers world wide on pre clinical studies of Célle for potential future therapies that may possibly treat disorders such as diabetes, breast cancer,wound-healing and more.Their goal is to achieve and save thousands of lives in the future.
For more information about stem cells read the 'Stem Cells and Development' article.

Now here's the good news, Célle is being offered at a $100 discount on the $499 retail price with a special limited time offer for collection, processing, testing and 1st year storage at $399.Simply use the code CLSTR and get the $100 discount.

Visit my sponsor: Stem Cells May Benefit Stroke Patients

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