Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring CLeaning

I could really use a floor buffing machines right now, our floor really needs some serious deep cleaning, including the bathrooms floor. Spring is almost here and we need to get our house ready for the spring. I honestly don't know where to start, i get a headache thinking about all the stuff that needs to get done inside and outside of the house. I'll try to work from inside first then i will start outside when the weather is not freezing anymore.

I already told my husband that i need floor scrubbers for all of my floor cleaning job.I also need new vacuum because my son broke our old one, i don't know what he did with it, i just found out two weeks ago when i tried to plug it in. We tried fixing it but no luck. I want to buy a eco friendly vacuums this time, I heard a lot of good reviews about this one, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Anyway, i can't wait for the spring, I'm sick and tired of this cold weather.I'm stuck at home all the time and cant go nowhere. With springs coming i can finally breath some fresh air, see blooming flowers and most importantly i can finally go outside without those heavy clothes.

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