Saturday, September 10, 2011

NIce Guy

Do nice guys really finish last?
Not necessarily, despite how it might feel to be in your shoes. The problem isn’t you. Now before you shake your head and snort in disgust, it’s true. The problem isn’t that you are a nice guy; the problem is so many people prefer to go after what’s bad for them rather than what’s good for them. Sounds pretty stupid, right?

The truth of the matter is, the bad guy is attractive because either a woman wants to ‘fix’ him or she just doesn’t respect herself enough to see she’s worth more than what he has to offer. Men and women alike can blind themselves to being treated badly for any number of reasons, including believing that they aren’t a prize themselves.

Don't Stop Being Nice!
Whatever you decide to do about your romantic issues, don’t stop being nice. Being you may not seem like much, but honesty, integrity and being a genuinely good person and all around ‘nice’ guy or girl for that matter does have its rewards. You want companionship and it’s out there, but don’t stop being you to find it. Love isn’t about a race, it’s not about coming in first or coming in last, it’s about coming in successful.

Any person you have to turn yourself inside out for in order to get them to notice isn’t going to be worth it in the long haul. This isn’t because they aren’t a good person, but because when genuine love exists, it’s an honest love. Maybe it will take you longer to find the woman of your dreams, but you want the woman of your dreams – not the woman of some other guy’s image.

You Deserve Someone Nice!
You deserve a nice girl, who possesses the same integrity, honesty and depth of nice that you do. You deserve to have someone appreciate you for who you are. So hang in there and don’t let a position in a ‘hypothetical’ race affect ‘who’ you are. Good things come to those who wait and to those who believe they are worth it. And believe it or not, nice guys are worth it.

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